Sebastian Nowack
  • 20+ years’ experience in international business, 10+ years as trade & site consultant

  • 4 years in KPMG’s FDI advisory group, managing international location projects

  • 5 years assistant to executive board of a German Mittelstand champion
  • Degrees in International Business at the University of Paderborn (Germany) and the University of Seville (Spain)
  • Native German, plus English, Italian and basic Spanish

Lucía Costa
  • 10+ years’ experience in international business

  • 3 years export manager for a Spanish biotech company
  • 1 year BD for one of the largest Spanish IPA`s in Panama
  • Degrees in International Relations and Translation at the Universidad Europea de Madrid (Spain) and Fachhochschule Magdeburg (Germany)
  • Native Spanish, plus English, German and basic Portuguese
Denis Merkwirth
  • 15+ years international business experience, 12+ years as trade & site consultant

  • 5+ years C-level experience managing budgets and personnel

  • 4 years in KPMG’s FDI advisory group, managing various international location analysis projects

  • Degree in Economics from Free University Berlin (Germany) and Carlos III de Madrid (Spain)

  • Native German and Russian, plus English and Spanish, and intermediate French

Rachel Kouyoumdjis
  • 10+ years’ experience in international business

  • 5 years in the Irish Government Agency, Enterprise Ireland

  • 8 years guiding companies to achieve significant growth in their exports into the Middle East, Africa and India regions

  • Master’s degree in Corporate Strategy and Managing People at the National University of Ireland (Galway), INSEAD program on “Strategy  in  the  Age  of  Digital  Disruption”

  • Native Arabic, plus English and French and basic German

Prof. Dr. Jan Pieper
  • 10+ years’ experience in international business.

  • 4 years as a Professor of Business Economics at IUBH University of Applied Sciences, Campus Berlin

  • 10 years of research and teaching at different Universities in Switzerland, Italy, and Germany

  • PhD in Management and Economics from the University of Zurich (Switzerland), degree in Business Administration from the University of Greifswald (Germany)

  • Native German, plus English

Alejandra Fernandez
  • 15+ years’ experience in international business.

  • 8+ years of experience in international purchases, project management, supply chain and logistics at Ericsson.

  • 3+ years in KPMG´s legal advise team for foreign trade. Audit team coordination.

  • Degree in International Business at Universidad Intercontinental (Mexico). Specialization in Advanced Negotiations, Purchasing Strategies and Finance.

  • Native Spanish plus English, and basic German

Antimo Tintore
  • 10+ years’ experience in trade, advisory services and supply chain management

  • 6+ years C-level experience managing budgets and different teams for multinational telecoms

  • 3+ years as a co-Founder for an Italian marketing agency

  • Studies in Aerospace Engineering at the Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli (Italy)

  • Native Italian, plus English

Dr. Emanuela Gallo
  • 15+ years’ experience in material science and international project management

  • 2+ years in Germany’s leading “Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing” (BAM)

  • 10+ years as Materials Engineering Specialist and Project Manager for German and American multinationals

  • PhD in “Materials and Production Engineering“ at the University of Naples, Federico II, Italy

  • Native Italian, plus fluent English and German